Waldorf around the world
Over a thousand people attended the seventh (and last) AWTC at the Mount Emei Resort (China’s Holy Mountain, except China is a secular country). Before the conference there was a two day meeting of people involved in teacher education in Asia, chaired by Florian Osswald of the Pedagogical Section in Dornach. Since I had participated in a similar meeting in Johannesburg, it was interesting to get a picture of Waldorf teacher education in two major regions of the world. Florian is conducting a process of identifying key values and practices in Waldorf teacher education world wide – he has left Europe until last. This will be a very interesting document when it finally appears.
I could write many pages about my impressions of the conference and China – perhaps I will when I have time – but what I thought would be more useful is to offer two reports on my workshops, because these link up with my workshops at the Pan-African conference. Today I attach my notes on the theme of local and global aspects of the Waldorf curriculum, a theme I worked on in South Africa, too, and wrote about in my last blog. Here I simply offer a few pictures of my brief experiences outside of the conference. About 30 minutes on foot up the mountain through bamboo forest there were two temples which I visited. One day a small group of us took the afternoon off and hired a minibus and went further up the mountain to a beautiful gorge. Otherwise I only saw the landscape from the window of the high speed train to the airport.
Greetings Martyn